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Action Value VAL23 Cue


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Just because a pool cue isn’t crazy expensive, that doesn’t mean that the cue can’t be crazy good. Such is the case with the VAL23. The price is budget, yet the playability is anything but. If you’re a fan of no wrap cues, you’re gonna love the way that the VAL23 feels when you hit with it.

Even though the price is low, you’re still going to find many of the high quality materials league players have come to expect from Action cues. A layered boarskin 13mm tip, a 1″ fiber ferrule and top grade hard rock maple in the shaft and butt is what the VAL23 is all about. Plus, this cue includes a 1 year manufacturer’s warranty to protect against any potential defects. The VAL23 is a quality player at an extremely reasonable price.


Action Pool Cues
Tip: 13mm Layered Boarskin
Ferrule: 1″ Fiber
Shaft: 29″ Hardrock Maple 10-12″ Pro Taper
Collar: Black
Pin: 5/16×18
Piloted: Yes
Forearm: Blue Stained maple with 4 white overlay points
Rings: Silver Rings
Wrap: None
Sleeve: Blue Stained maple with 4 white retangle trasfers
Plate: Black
Bumper: Black Rubber
Warranty: 1 Year Manufacturer


SKU: 19878 Categories: ,