Joss JOSTHIW Thor Hammer - Ironwood - Break Cue For Sale | Billiards N More
5% Off Pool Cues - Mad March Sale

Joss JOSTHIW Thor Hammer – Ironwood – Break Cue


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If Thor played pool, you know he’d be all over this breaker. In fact, I talked to Thor the other day and he absolutely said he’d use this over his trusty hammer Mjolnir. Something about wanting to get a powerhouse break without completely disintegrating the balls…

As for the make-up of the cue, it’s got a phenolic ferrule, a Joss layered tip and the unique Joss Full Core Technology which features a Canadian Hard Rock Maple core through the entire butt of the cue.


Joss Pool Cues
Tip: 13mm Layered
Ferrule: Phenolic
Shaft: 29″ Hardrock Maple with a Pro Taper
Collar: Black
Pin: 5/16 x 14
Piloted: Yes
Forearm: Ironwood
Rings: None
Wrap: None – Ironwood
Sleeve: Ironwood
Plate: Black
Bumper: Black Rubber
Weight Adjustable: Yes,



SKU: 16800 Categories: ,

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Heavy (20-21 oz), Light (18-19 oz)