Mezz ZZ35 Pool Cue (Discontinued) For Sale | Billiards N More
5% Off Pool Cues - Mad March Sale

Mezz ZZ35 Pool Cue (Discontinued)


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The person who owns a Mezz cue will be seen as “very important” and someone who owns many “leather-bound books”, to steal a line from Ron Burgundy. It’s just that classy.

Until the rich Mahogany version comes out we’ll just have to gorge our senses with some exquisite Birdseye Maple, Bacote, Juma and Black wood. Mezz never cuts any corners on technology, either. This cue is made with the finest materials from the Kamui Original tip to Mezz’s quick-release United Joint and low-deflection X Ferrule. This cue is certain to be the choice of professional players and anchormen everywhere. Stay classy, Pooldawgians!


Mezz Cues
Tip: 12.5mm Kamui Original Medium
Ferrule: X Ferrule
Shaft: 29″ WD700
Collar: Black
Pin: Mezz United Joint
Piloted: Yes
Forearm: Birdseye Maple with Bacote points encasing Juma diamonds with black wood veneers
Rings: Silver Ring
Wrap: Black Irish linen
Sleeve: Bacote wood accented with double silver rings and white dashes
Plate: Black with gold Mezz logo
Bumper: Black Rubber
Warranty: 1 Year Manufacturer
Additional Info: Includes Joint Protectors
Weight Adjustable: Yes,


SKU: 24392 Categories: ,

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