February Sweet Deals Banner

Scorpion Glove – Bridge Hand Left


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SKU: 29804 Category:



We all love the Scorpion line of cues and we all know the caliper of player Johnny Archer is. It is no secret that his weapon of choice is Scorpion. Scorpions are certainly an animal you do not want to tangle with. So is getting chalk all over your hands and pants from your local pool hall. Keep it clean and check out this new glove from Scorpion. Featuring all black, full fingered glove, the tribal scorpion now covers the top of your hand with the stinger pointing down the pointer finger. We don’t know about you but we sure like this full Scorpion logo and feel its ready to sting the competition!


Scorpion Billiards Accessories
Size:  One size fits most
Color:  Black