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QK-S Samurai QKS05 2×4 Hard Cue Case


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SKU: 27674 Categories: ,


Ok, seriously, the Samurai is eight degrees of awesome. It is by far the crown jewel of the line and considering the 2×4 size, the construction and the durability, this one is a keeper. The pockets are huge, it holds shafts up to 31″ in length, the style is slick, even the shoulder strap is nice. Totally worth the price of admission.



QKS Billiards Cases
Colors: Black, White or Gray
Shape: Oval
Material: Vinyl
Pockets: 2 exterior 7.5 inches and 15 inches in length, 1 interior 10 inch
Base: Metal rivet feet
Length: Fits up to 31″ shaft
Structure: Separate lined tubes
Lining: Soft Tricot style fabric
Direction: Shaft inserts tip down
Butt: Butt inserts pin down


Additional information

Case Color

Black, Grey, White