GHOST BALL AIM TRAINER For Sale | Billiards N More
5% Off Pool Cues - Mad March Sale



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The Ghost Ball Aim Trainer is simple to use and delivers powerful results! Through visual reinforcement, this hands-on product takes the confusion out of two of the most difficult aspects of the game: How and where to aim and how to leave the cue ball in position for your next shot.

In easy to understand terms, you’ll learn the Ghost Ball method of aiming, a highly accurate technique used by pros and master instructors. You’ll see improvement immediately on cue shots, cue ball control, position play and more. The visual nature of the Ghost Ball Aim Trainer trains your mind’s-eye to quickly see the aiming point and to see where the cue ball will go once it hits the object ball. This is called “position play,” and learning or mastering how to leave the cue ball in position for your next shot can greatly enhance the fun you have playing pool.

These and other topics are covered in a Lesson Booklet designed to guide you through basic to advanced level techniques at your own pace. Use the Ghost Ball Aim Trainer with Practice Balls and you’ll see all around improvement right away – GUARANTEED!